Mouro Island Lighthouse - Seagull in a Foggy Morning (2:1)
Los Molinucos - Snaking Stream and Mouro Island (5:4)
Costa Quebrada - Full Moon from Somocuevas Beach (3:2)
La Arnia - Wave Explosion (5:4)
'El Chiqui' - Drenched and Dripping (3:2)
'El Chiqui' - Wave Fireworks (5:4)
Port of Santander - Flying Over the 'Stone' Crane (1:1)
El Sardinero - Early Morning Walkers at the Water Edge (3:2)
Cabo Mayor - Tranquility at the Cove (3:2)
Cabo Mayor Lighthouse - Pinning the Moon (3:2)
El Sardinero - Rolling Wave (16:9)